Help empower tamariki to whanake (grow), hauhake (harvest), whakarite (prepare), and whāngai (share) fresh, seasonal, and affordable kai.

Garden to Table is a registered charity (CC37743). We support schools and kura throughout the motu to take the learning out of the classroom and into the māra kai (garden) and the kīhini (kitchen).
Our schools teach thousands of Kiwi kids the knowledge and skills that have a transformative and lifelong impact on their hauora (wellbeing) — and on the world around them.
Tamariki get stuck in and get their hands dirty, with adults acting simply as observers and guides. Practical life skills develop alongside awareness of sustainability and environmentalism.
Hard work and patience pays off with a sense of achievement and whakahī, pride for children. Produce straight from the garden provides more nutritional benefits and it tastes better too!
Kids develop skills for life by cooking meals from scratch. Learning to use kitchen tools, weighing and measuring, and the science of food, all provides links to core curriculum concepts.
Everyone sits down to eat together, taking part in the age-old ritual of sharing food. Tamariki are often more adventurous about eating meals from food they have grown and prepared.
More than 32,000 kids across Aotearoa took part in our programme last year.
They spent more than 55,000 hours in the garden and kitchen.
We provided more than 5,600 hours of training and mentoring to educators.
Kids at 309 schools ate more than 1 million vegetable-based meals.

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