Programme origins
Ko te maumahara kore ki ngā whakapapa o ōu mātua tīpuna, e rite ana ki te pūkaki awa kāora ōna hikuawa,
ki te rākau rānei kāore ōna pakiaka.
To forget one’s ancestors is to be a brook without a source, a tree without its roots.
Te Wharehuia Milroy
Two peas in a pod? Not quite, but close.
Co-founder and Chair Catherine Bell set up the Garden to Table Trust in 2008, with the first three schools getting underway in Aotearoa New Zealand in 2009. Catherine was inspired and supported by her good friend (and Australian culinary icon) Stephanie Alexander. Stephanie is the mastermind behind the Kitchen Garden Foundation, which she started in 2004 (following the success of a pilot programme in Melbourne in 2001). Thanks to their friendship (and Stephanie’s generosity), we were able to learn from this Australian programme and model it on this side of the Tasman.
Both food education charities share the philosophy of empowering children to grow, harvest, prepare, and share their own great food. While similar and supportive of each other, both charities continue to adapt these enduring fundamental pillars in ways that best meet the needs of children in our respective communities and in ways that fit within our relevant education curricula.
Stephanie and Catherine remain friends and actively involved. They are immensely proud of how both charities continue to flourish – and of the ever increasing numbers of Aussie and Kiwi children who are learning where their food comes from (and learning how to grow, harvest, prepare, and share seasonal, nutritious, and affordable food).
Stephanie Alexander
Catherine Bell
Ngā mihi maioha, Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation – Thank you for the wonderful food education work you do across the Tasman and thank you for inspiring and supporting Garden to Table’s related kaupapa in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Find out more about the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation.