There’s a Party in the Compost Bin!
Compost education for tamariki can quickly get complicated, e.g. knowing particular ratios of carbon to nitrogen, and recognising greens, browns and green things that are brown etc.
It doesn’t have to be this way! We can simplify the process hugely and still make great compost.
At Garden to Table we just love it when our impact goes beyond the school gate. Our original resource has been adapted here so that families can start composting at home with their tamariki. As a taster, this resource will help anyone get started with composting.
The original resource, There’s a Party in the Compost Bin, sponsored by our partners T&G Global, is based on three compost stories - one based on a disco in the compost bin. By comparing a compost bin to the school disco, our students have something practical to hang their knowledge on as they begin their compost journey.
It is split into two parts - Part 1 is about teaching kids how to compost, and includes outside and classroom-ready activities and Part 2 is about setting up a school composting system in a simple way, leading schools through the process to make great compost.
So get your dancing shoes on and come and join the composting party!