Will you help lead positive change for tamariki?
For a seed to become a strong plant, it needs to be nurtured with healthy soil, golden sunlight, and fresh clean water. The care needed to raise thriving plants is similar to the care needed to raise healthy tamariki – and similar to the care needed to sustain a charity like Garden to Table.
Seed100 members donate a regular gift of $100 or more per month to support the running costs of Garden to Table. Without this support, we would not be able to do what we do.
Will you join Seed100 and help lead positive change for tamariki?
Your Seed100 individual or business membership could support an entire class of students to do Garden to Table for one year. Your contribution will help even more kiwi kids to positively benefit from Garden to Table.
Your support really does make all the difference
Your Seed100 gift will help to cover the running costs of Garden to Table. Your gift helps us to keep down our subscription rates for schools. You can ensure that affordability never gets in the way of a school wanting to be a part of Garden to Table. You help to ensure our team has the necessary resources and support. You enable us to focus on the important mahi of engaging with schools and helping them deliver impactful Garden to Table programmes in local communities around the motu.
Your Seed100 gift ensures Garden to Table’s strength, growth, and sustainability. You can help us create and drive engagement, develop resources, and spread inspiration throughout Garden to Table schools. You can ensure Garden to Table thrives (and that schools, students, families, communities and the environment also thrive).
Our dream is for all children in Aotearoa New Zealand to be able to grow, harvest, prepare, and share great kai at school (and also at home).
You can help make this dream a reality. Please join Garden to Table’s Seed100 and invest in a brighter future for our tamariki.
YES, I want to join Seed100!
Please fill in the form and we’ll be in touch.
Ani Brunet, our CEO, would also love to chat with you (if you’re okay with this). We enjoy talking with our supporters and learning more about your interest in Garden to Table.
Ani’s email address is: ani@gardentotable.org.nz
or phone 021 983 580
Ngā manaakitanga.
As a Seed100 member, you can expect us to:
Acknowledge you on our website and in our Annual Report as a Seed100 member (unless you’d prefer otherwise)
Invite you to see Garden to Table in action at a participating school near you
Invite you to relevant events to enable you to connect with other Seed100 members and to thank you for your support
Keep you up to date with how Garden to Table is tracking on your investment in a brighter future for our tamariki.