Mānawatia a Matariki! Celebrate Matariki with Garden to Table

Matariki signals the start of the Māori New Year, and is an opportunity for us all to come together to reflect on the past, and prepare for the year ahead. 

It is a time that resonates strongly with Garden to Table's kaupapa of growing, harvesting, preparing and sharing great kai. It's the perfect chance to share bounty with loved ones, and plan for the coming growing season.

All around Aotearoa New Zealand, ākonga (students) have been incorporating Matariki into their Garden to Table sessions. Some have been trying new recipes like hua whenua (vegetable soup), and others have planting new crops by the Maramataka (Māori lunar calendar). A great experience for all is their Matariki feast!

We are celebrating by announcing our new educational partnership with Te Reo Club.

We wholeheartedly support their kaupapa to learn and use te reo Māori every day, and teach the language to tamariki. This partnership is about mutual support, and we look forward to amplifying each other's mahi through this collaboration. 

Michele Coxhead, who created Te Reo Club, has become a good friend of ours, and we love her beautiful rauemi (resources). 

Together, we will weave pūrākau (stories), te ao Māori perspectives, history, and imagery into Garden to Table resources to encourage tamariki to learn with curiosity, richness, and delight.

To celebrate our partnership, we are gifting our kūmara coins with bonfire mayo bilingual recipe, a whakataukī poster, and a colouring-in activity, which we hope your whānau will enjoy.

This kōwhaiwhai (pattern) was designed by Michele Coxhead, for Te Reo Club and Garden to Table Trust collaborations.


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