A Perfect Pairing: T&G Global and Haumoana School’s Apple Adventure  

There’s something amazing watching young minds light up when they get hands-on experience in the māra (garden). Our recent visit from some of the T&G Global team at Haumoana School in Hawke’s Bay was just that – a heartwarming, fruitful day (quite literally) filled with learning, laughter, and a little bit of pruning magic!   

T&G are Aotearoa New Zealand’s iconic fresh produce grower and exporter. They grow apples, tomatoes, citrus, berries and stonefruit, and work with growers to sell their produce to customers in Aotearoa and all over the world. For the past 11 years, T&G has been an incredible partner to Garden to Table, and we couldn't be more grateful for their amazing support.   

“A few members from our T&G whānau were lucky enough to attend the Garden to Table programme with tamariki from Haumoana School. We are all fortunate to be a part of this kaupapa to pass on mātauranga (knowledge) to the future growers of this country. With basic skills from ahumāra (gardening) to looking after trees and learning a bit more in depth about why we do things was an awesome experience. For all the the tamariki to be engaged and take on so much in a small amount of time was awesome to see.” Layton Beckham, Leading Hand at T&G Global  

Haumoana School is fortunate enough to have mature apple trees in their orchard, and T&G’s visit couldn’t have come at a better time. Armed with pruning tools and a wealth of knowledge, the T&G team, including some of their apples orcharding team, showed the kids the ropes – from why we prune to how to care for our beloved apple trees. The kids were especially thrilled with the battery-operated secateurs, quickly mastering the art of pruning under the careful guidance of the T&G team.  

The day was not just about trimming branches; it was about understanding the orchard’s ecosystem. The tamariki discovered some of their rākau (trees) were affected by Fire Blight, a disease that can weaken apple trees. But with T&G's expert eyes, they identified the signs and removed the damaged branches, giving their trees a better chance to thrive. The tamariki also learned that letting light in is key to growing big, juicy apples – a great reminder that every cut we make is essential for the health of our trees.  

Of course, no Garden to Table day is complete without a kīhini (kitchen) session. While the kids got to grips with orchard care, the T&G team rolled up their sleeves in the kitchen. The result? A delicious hua whenua (vegetable) soup and an unforgettable apple crumble, made with apples harvested right from the school orchard. The crumble was a hit, thanks in part to the extra boxes of ENVY apples brought by T&G – a sweet gesture that ensured no one went without some crumble! The excess apples were put into the pātaka kai (community pantry) for the Haumoana whānau.  

It’s days like these that remind us of the incredible value in connecting our communities through gardening, learning, and, of course, delicious kai. Here’s to many more shared experiences and growing together!  


Ngā mihi T&G Global!   


10 Years of Garden to Table at Cannons Creek School, Porirua