Wrapping up Term 2
Over coming days, schools are reaching the end of Term 2 - meaning we’re officially halfway through the school year.
Once again, it’s been an honour to empower schools around the motu to deliver Garden to Table’s food education programme.
Today, we’re taking a look back on the term, and celebrating the most memorable moments from māra kai (gardens) and kīhini (kitchens) throughout the country.
We kicked off the term by launching a brand-new fundraiser - the Garden to Table Bake Sale, which saw tamariki whip up all sorts of delicious kai (using fresh produce straight from the garden), in an effort to raise funds for their Garden to Table programme.
Schools certainly rose to the challenge - some even raised in excess of $1,000! You can read more about this here.
This term, Her Excellency, the Right Honourable Dame Cindy Kiro, GNZM, QSO, Governor-General of New Zealand, also graciously accepted our invitation to be Garden to Table Trust's Patron - and this has proven to be one of our highlights.
Her guiding principles of kaitiakitanga (guardianship and stewardship), oranga (livelihood and welfare), and manaakitanga (hospitality) align closely with our kaupapa and aspirations for our tamariki, our planet, and our future - and we know Dame Cindy will be a wonderful role model for our ākonga (students).
You can read more about her patronage here, and her Term 1 visit to Papatoetoe West School here.
Dame Cindy helping Papatoetoe West students shell broad beans and prepare vegetable sticks
We also enjoyed taking the opportunity to recognise Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu - National Volunteer Week, by celebrating the incredible people who are helping empower the next generation of Kiwi kids through their voluntary efforts.
It was an honour to speak to them, and hear some of their most memorable moments from their experience to date.
“I have an endless supply of special moments from my time being part of Garden to Table, but overall, I love seeing how the students and volunteers connect. I love seeing how the children get caught up in the moment and can spend one hour focusing on a single task like weeding or digging over the compost beds without deviating from it for that session with total concentration; the conversations you have are just magic and the joy and pride you see on their faces makes it more than worthwhile. ”
This term, we also launched an educational partnership with Te Reo Club. Together, we will be weaving pūrākau (stories), te ao Māori perspectives, history, and imagery into Garden to Table resources.
We released our first series of resources - which were all about kūmara, just in time for Matariki.
You can learn more, and download a few of these resources, here.
Speaking of Matariki, we loved seeing our kura, schools, and Garden to Table whānau embracing this special occasion in creative and bountiful ways.
Forrest Hill School’s Matariki Market (left) and Matipo Primary’s Matariki breakfast (right)
Over the coming term, we’re looking forward to empowering more tamariki to grow, harvest, prepare and share fresh, nourishing, and environmentally sustainable kai.
Through the wintery months that lie ahead, Garden to Table students will be planting out seedlings like asparagus, coriander, and garlic; harvesting and cooking carrots, broccoli, and cabbage; and using preserves to bring a touch of sunshine to their dishes.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook to stay up to date with all the action!
If you’d like to see more Kiwi kids across Aotearoa connecting with nature and learning to grow, harvest, prepare and share at school, please consider a donation to support our mahi. Ngā mihi maioha!