Our Reflection on 2021

As 2021 draws to a close, our team has been reflecting on the year that was.

Despite the challenges that the year brought, we have plenty to be grateful for.

Above all, we are so pleased that the Garden to Table programme has been able to empower more than 15,000 ākonga/students in 208 schools and kura kaupapa nationwide to grow, harvest, prepare and share great food.

But, we couldn’t have done it without you. Join us, as we celebrate a few of the things that we have achieved together throughout 2021.

  • Welcomed 39 new schools to the Garden to Table programme, hitting a new milestone in September of 200 schools andkura

  • Launched our new community and public websites

  • Expanded our regional support to include Waikato and Te Matau-a-Māui - the Hawkes Bay

  • Developed lots of new school resources, meaning our school community can continue to deliver fresh, engaging learning to tamariki 

  • Held numerous events online for training and support of our school communities

  • Supported our schools through a range of different COVID-19 situations - providing online training for staff, and lockdown resources, including ideas for learning outdoors 

  • Supported around 70 schools nationwide to host Great NZ Seedling Sales, raising valuable funds for their Garden to Table Programmes

  • Developed community network relationships where we have shared values like everyday environmentalism, food resilience, and health to bring more value to our schools and increase reach to new schools

  • Raised over $5000 from the generosity of our community of supporters during our Spring Appeal.

  • Released three more seasonal e-cookbooks to give back to you - our wonderfully supportive community.

Ngā mihi nui - thank you for your kind support.

Here’s to 2022!


Nadia Seasonal Journal Summer


Schools getting creative in the garden