A free cookbook of recipes for Summer

Summer is here - and with that comes glorious seasonal produce, from avocados and apricots, to berries and beets.

To help you make the most of the beautiful weather - and all the alfresco dining and picnic opportunities that come with it, we thought we’d share our Summer Garden to Table cookbook.

This cookbook is part of a series, with the Spring, Autumn and Winter instalments available for download too. The recipes were compiled by Catherine Bell, Garden to Table’s co-founder, and the chair of our charitable trust.

We are pleased to offer this recipe book as a gift, as part of our kaupapa of encouraging communities to grow, cook and eat fresh produce.

The Summer cookbook features a variety of delectable delights, including a shaved asparagus, fennel & walnut salad, espresso brown sugar cookies, and a strawberry & rhubarb trifle (pictured)!

Your free cookbook download is below. If you’d like to support the Garden to Table programme in New Zealand schools, please consider a donation to our charitable trust. Your support helps us to empower tamariki across Aotearoa to learn to grow and cook their own seasonal produce, using recipes like these! We’re so grateful for your support.


Garden to Table’s Twinkl Feature


Nadia Seasonal Journal Summer