Meet Graeme

Graeme has been retired for almost 13 years and when he moved into a retirement village across the road from his local Garden to Table school the perfect opportunity arose for him to give back to his community.

“I spent the last 17 years of my working life as Business Manager for two of Auckland’s largest Secondary Schools, so I was easily drawn back to the educational environment. I have lived for all 53 years of my married life in close proximity to Three Kings Primary School. Our three children all attended this school, as did two of my grandchildren.

The school has had an ongoing relationship with Ranfurly Retirement Village for a number of years now, and the “Garden to Table” programme, along with their Assisted Reading programme has encouraged a number of we “Seniors” to volunteer some of our spare time to engage with the young students. I have enjoyed gardening and growing things at my own property,  so I see this merely as an extension to something that I enjoy.”

Graeme heads over to the school each week to get involved in their garden by assisting the Garden to Table coordinator and helping tamariki in preparing,  propagating, planting , nurturing and finally harvesting vegetables and other edibles. He also loves being able to share some of the ‘culinary masterpieces’ created in the kitchen during the sessions.

Graeme is enthusiastic about the benefits of Garden to Table saying

“The educational qualities of this ‘hands-on’ activity should not be underestimated. Many of these students have little knowledge or experience with what goes into the wider aspects of gardening.

I am amazed at how these young students can work together to have meaningful experiences both in the garden and in the kitchen. It really is a case of taking learning away from, and outside of, the classroom. Cooperation, discipline, presentation, table etiquette are all things learnt whilst having fun and becoming involved with nature. I especially enjoy seeing students appreciate the transfer of garden produce to the edible final product.”

Graeme’s involvement is a huge help to the school staff and the tamariki love having visitors come and share their learning. But Graeme also gets a lot out of his experience.

“Involvement in the School Garden to Table programme is my chance to give back to the local community, to keep in closer contact with young students, and I hope to pass on some useful advice and to give some guidance in this extension to the school curriculum. Apart from all that, I just enjoy lending a hand and getting back a bit to nature.”

Ngā mihi nui to Graeme and all the other incredible volunteers who generously give their time to the Garden to Table programme. This support enhances the programme in so many of our schools and the staff and tamariki are so grateful for all you do.

Read about some of our other wonderful volunteers below:



Garden to Table is Celebrating its 15th Year!


Meet Lisa